internet marketing The Big Sis Diaries: Adoption Update

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Adoption Update

Now that we're moving closer towards referral (close meaning in three to five months or so) I thought I would adress the type of child our family is expecting. Although we could have requested a girl (like I would have wanted) our family has decided to be open to either gender. This pretty much means that we will get a boy since so many request girls, though it's not guaranteed. I'm thinking, though I'd love a little sister since I have two brothers already, that a boy would be best for our family. For one thing, the wait is quite a bit shorter- 4-6 mos vs. 6-9. For another, we're in such "boy mode" right now, since there has been at least one boy in the house for over ten years. It's warmed the boys up to the idea of adoption, especially Carsten- and no one can deny how adorable those little guys are! We've also expanded our age frame from 0-12 mos. to 0-16 mos. We figured that 16 mos is still a baby, especially to us since the youngest child in or family is seven. It also means some time could be shaved from our waiting. If all goes well we expect a referral around February- though I'm hoping January! Four, even six months will be bearable for me. Like I've said before, I've got a full plate, and my family can really use these months to pack in the things we can't do post-baby- my mom wants to go by herself to visit family in Michigan, for example, and we have a lot of house work/decoration to get done. I also know that I should be savoring this "free time"(not that I have much) because it will be packed with baby-sitting and extra household tasks. So that's our adoption update. Not much to report, but I hope to have news hopefully some time in the winter.

Oh, and here is the link to a very interesting and informative transracial adoption article I read. It's very heart-warming and eye-opening: I saw, also, that Madonna plans to adopt a baby from Africa. Seems like it's becoming a trend!


At 11:34 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi there, adopted online big-sister to my kids...I see you are in CT. So are we! Drop me a line.

dawn (mom to Dawit and Lily)

At 9:20 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Suzy Q! I am so glad you stopped by my blog and introduced yourself. After reading through your blog, I realize we have 3 things in favorite color is pink; I too, think chocolate and peanut butter are the best flavor combinations (in fact, I would waiver to say this is God's work!); and we have an Ethiopian connection! I love your template BTW; very Asia meets Hawaii. I have a friend who adopted a 16 month old boy from Ethiopia and he is the sweetest little toddler who ALWAYS wears a smile on his face. He is awesome. In fact, I am now considering a toddler boy for my next adoption! Maybe we will have 4 things in common!



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